Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Ok Andre for your benefit....last week's quarrel

Andre complained with me that I have not been updating my blog regularly. So here's a new post. I should complain that noone reads my blog :-( Or they read and don't comment!
So let's see, what's new in UG?
Last week I threw a tantrum at the office! Not a real tantrum, but I work with a Canadian girl who is an intern, and when I came everyone assumed I was an intern too, but actually I'm not. I'm getting quite a lot of money to do baloofers!
So fine I got into 'intern' mode for a little bit, but aftersometime I said this is ridiculous! and when the secretary introduced me to someone as the new intern I nearly went ballistic!
So after quarrelling with everyone, I sent an SMS to the Chairperson, and asked if this was supposed to be a six month holiday, because if it was I'd gladly take it! She assured me that no it wasn't supposed to be like that. And probably also quarrelled with everyone else. But since then things have been great.
The truth is inspite of quarrelling with everyone, I do enjoy the job, and love being out here in UG. I'm even considering applying for another six months.
Not sure what the long-distance BF will say about that! :-(
Will update again soon.


Leledacuca said...

Ok, now we getting some comments! Ok Jamdown, I'll see if I can write somoething new this week. By the way, One or two people actually read the site without leaving comments! That's not cool!

Leledacuca said...

Hey Beaded Chic about what digi cam to buy? Something small, with rechargeable batteries. That's all I can recommend. Look for a known brand. Like mine is an Olympus, but it's still too big - I'm going to get a new one