Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Keeping up with the Joneses - Part 2

As I said in the last blog, I normally live simply, and I'm quite contented with this simplicity. I like my space and my privacy that's all, don't really care about how other people live.

Well one day I left work pretty early and decided to beat Kampala evening mad rush, paid a 'boda boda' to get home, and finally got home around 5.30. I had an appointment later so I wanted to get ready without any hassle. I strolled up my wonderful paved road, and idly put my hand in my bag for my key. Hmmmm, wasn't there. Must be in a another pocket I thought.... no not there either. Okay, now where the heck is this thing. I called our caretaker - yes the caretaker has a cell phone and speaks English. "Joseph, I've forgotten my key at work can you come and open the door for me?" Sure no problem, he came opened the door and I went and left my bag in the shared kitchen, and decided I had to go back to work to get the key, as Joseph said he didn't know where the spare might be or if there even was one. While leaving my bag in the kitchen I got an sms from my Congolese friend Christian saying that he was on his way to see me to give me some cloth from Congo and another 'make-up' gift - we had had a 'falling out' the week before. So I replied and said "if you are nearby I'll meet you along the way if not I'll meet you at the office as I have to go back to get 'something'".

So Christian said he was already on his way and would be there soon. I was to wait for him at the bus stop. My friend Christian who claimed that he was nearby, in true African time style, took a whopping 45 minutes to get to the bus stop, and then when he finally got there we couldn't find each other. The bus stop is more like a bus terminal with no proper landmarks so it took another 5 - 10 minutes to actually find each other. Of course me and my impatient self I was very angry and shouted at poor Christian in my broken French about why he had made me wait for so long, I could have gone back to the office and come back already!'What are you doing now Christian? If you think I'm going to stand here and talk to you, you lie! You better come with me and talk with me in the matatu!' So he jumped in the matatu with me and accompanied me back to work, but was so sheepish that he didn't say a word. As it had already gotten dark, and Christian being a man of honour, decided that despite Lesley's wrath and terrible temper he could not leave this Mzungu (foreigner) woman to go back to the office alone.

We arrived at the office about half an hour later in almost complete darkness. Luckily the caretaker lives on site, so he opened up for me and I ran inside to find the key. I checked everywhere on the desk, under the table, behind the computer. No KEY! Now I was really upset! What to do? I ran back outside to meet Christian, who was still waiting to give me the cloth and the gift. Okay I half listened while he apologised for last week's disagreement and presented me with the gifts. Two beautiful wooden trays to beautify my home! Sure, wonderful, but what if I could never get back into my home! He escorted me back to the bus stop and left me to make my way home. I hadn't told him that I had no key, because of course I could do without the offer of 'stay by me!' from this man. I called and cancelled the other appointment.

What to do, what to do? I arrived home and went to look for my landlady who lived in the building next door. Apparently she was over in our building with the caretaker and some other people. They were at an apartment that had just been vacated. I went across and knocked tentatively. "Irene" I called out, "did Joseph tell you I lost my key????" "What? no he didn't. What now? Where are you going to sleep? We don't have a spare for that room!" The ground could have opened and swallowed me up. I thought there was a spare, just that Joseph did not know where it was. So Irene told me to come in and sit and wait till they finished their meeting and afterwards they'd decide what to do.

So I entered my neighbours' apartment. Though the apartment was directly in front of my room, I had never even glimpsed inside. Now here I was inside waiting for the meeting to finish. I sat on the edge of the faux leather sofa and looked around the apartment. Hmmm what a nice place. I sat back a little bit more comfortably, and reached over for the remote control. Wow a working TV with CABLE!! I flicked the channels till I found East Africa TV, which is like a local MTV. I hadn't watched TV in 2 months! I heard the door open and Irene and co. walked out. 'Okay we've decided that you won't find a locksmith tonight so you can stay here, and in the morning we'll decide what to do.' WOW!!! Thank you!! She went back to her house, and Joseph stayed around for a little bit and said he'd check on me later when he came to turn off the generator. I forgot to mention that we had no power in our neighbourhood every other night, but the luxurious apartments in front are serviced by a generator. So there I was in a nice posh apartment with a living room and dining room, an 'inside' toilet and shower with hot and cold water, AND electricity, instead of in my little hole with candles. I could get accustomed to that.... Imagine not having to walk outside to go to the toilet or use the shower!

Anyway I decided to just go in the back to get something to eat from my bag, which was still in the kitchen. I felt my way around in the darkness, got the bag, got the food, then I thought, let me just try my door... I put my hand on the handle and turned slowly. It opened. What!? It was open? But where was the key? I lit a candle and looked around. No no key, but of course the room was a mess anyway so I couldn't find any key in that half light. So I took my food and went back into the Joneses apartment to watch some telly, sprawl out on the sofa, use the toaster, microwave etc. I walked through the whole house, flicked the lights on and off, turned the water on, flushed the toilets (yes there were more than one!) I was like a child at Christmas.

Anyway it had to come to an end sometime. Lights came back around 11 and I decided to go back 'home' to look for the key. I sent Joseph an sms to say that my place was open and I'd gone back home. I looked everywhere in the room, overturned everything, and then finally gave up the search around midnight. I got ready for bed and closed the door. As the door shut I heard a little jangle... there were my keys in the door right where I had left them in the morning.

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